Saturday, 13 April 2019

1948 - Female citizenship of Italy is beyond the history

Italian citizenship female line
Women have been protagonists of the birth and construction of Italian Republic. They participated in the liberation battle against the fascism and Nazism, for freedom and democracy. They conquered through their commitment, which was deployed from the Risorgimento, the right to vote and were mobilized to convince the Italian citizenship female line to exercise this fundamental one right.

Appeal that was collected and in 1946 the overwhelming majority of women went to vote. The women contributed to the drafting of the Constitution and then they determined the profound change in their society, its customs and values, its conditions of life, its laws.

History was made
The Italian Republic can therefore be defined as women and men, she has mothers and fathers. But the women were the fundamental protagonists of the next change, the one that tried to invert the values ​​of their Constitution - 1948 female line rule. It can be read through the laws that have changed Italy.

It shows how profound social change has been, cultural and legal life promoted by women in their lifetime Republican. There is a red thread that goes through these laws- the promotion of the dignity of the human person through social inclusion, insertion into work, the fight against discrimination, and the enhancement of family ties.

The promotion of equality and the recognition of difference female
These laws outline a solidary, active welfare system that takes charge of each person, within a development that enhances human resources. They also outline one dimension of citizenship that must be - for all - social, civil and political citizenship. They promote a new culture of work, which must be a source of dignity for everyone, even of the most fragile people and who must be able to build an alliance with the other times of life.

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