Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Role and responsibilities of Italian Real Estate Attorney

Italian Real Estate Attorney
Real estate attorney in Italy helps you to purchase and sell the real estate in Italy. The teams of the Italian Real Estate Attorney help you to find the dream home and guide with buying the Italian home. The large practices of Italian Real Estate Attorney consist of development, acquisition, sale, and leasing of the real estate in India. Here is Italian Real Estate Attorney can give you through their experience.
·               Purchase and sale of the properties.
·               The forms of legal ownership
·               The Italian taxation of the real estate
·               Rules and Regulation of the land use and planning of real estate management.
·               Buying and selling property in Italy
Here are the steps to purchase and sales of the property in Italy.
1.      The scale offer
At the start, the written offer will be signed by the buyer aimed at removing the real estate from the market for the period. When you go for buying then you must need to pay the great attention that may create the legal effects.
            2.      The preliminary of the sale Contract
You can skip the first step and directly go for the preliminary of the sale contract. It does not have the effect of transferring the ownership. You must research the real estate before signing it.  Once you sign the preliminary of the sale Contract then you have to go for the due diligence because of legal needs by the Italian state and municipal relevant regulation.
            3.      The final purchase deeds
 It must be signed in front of the Italian Public Notary. Italian Real Estate Attorney act on behalf of you to sign the contract. Real estate attorney in Italy can also work on the scale offer and the preliminary of the sale contract.

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